01 January 2010


I would like to share with you a very short excerpt from one of my favorite novels and authors: from Love, Stargirl:
Dear Leo,
I love beginnings. If I were in charge of calendars, every day would be January 1.

I couldn't agree with Stargirl more. Why? Because if every day were January 1, we could make new year's resolutions every day. So this is what I propose: make one new year's resolution every day starting today 'till December 31, 2010. This next step is important: write them all down with their corresponding dates, then buy a calendar or put the resolutions in an electronic calendar for the year 2011. By doing this, you can start off each day by reminding yourself what you've achieved in one year–reminding you that each day is a new beginning.

If you need one to start, try this – By December 31, 2011: I will have accomplished all 365 of my new year's resolutions for 2010.

Stay warm, lovelies :-) See you all real soon!

Sincerely yours,
The Queer Collegiate

Now playing: Desdamona - Too Big for My Skin
via FoxyTunes

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